Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This is the first coat of paint &  I love it. A nice soothing green. The counter/bar will be copper colored & will be put on this weekend as will the counter top while I am in Kansas City at Nutrition Club training.

I cannot wait to see it when I get back!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Since we are located in White Oak shopping Center we bought this sign from the previous owner of White Oak Decorating . By changing the W.O. to our colors & making the rest our own we saved a small fortune on our sign.

Shawna (bundled up against the cold) & her beau Travis are busy putting together cabinets for under the counter.  Note the framed in bar is new today. Tomorrow starts construction of the workspace

Sunday, April 13, 2008

So now that the first plumbing inspection is over we have cemented up the floor & framing has begun. This is my husband Ken. In the far back is our utility room where our water heater, mop sink & cleaning chemicals will be kept. That keeps the Board of Health happy as chemicals are away from foood items. Also in the back is our private consultation room. The framed room is our ADA bathroom & in front of that will be the bar. It's really taking on life now. Our electrician comes in Monday so look for more posts daily!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

After San Antonio  I knew I needed a Nutrition Club. It took about 2 weeks for me to decide where I wanted my club. The strip mall I am in has a gym & a Karate club amongst other things. When I called to see if a space was going to be coming available there was. It was 1000 sq ft right next to the gym and it could be mine on April 1. Needless to say I signed a lease 3 days later. That was March 3. 

I had one month before I even got the keys but I started designing the space, interviewing contractors applying for permits & doing all the things necessary to be open by May 1. 

Construction has started!